Minutes to Seconds Conversion (min to sec)

Please enter the minutes number.

Swap time units » Convert Seconds to Minutes
1 min = 60 sec
min: minute, sec: second

About Minutes to Seconds Converter

In case if you need to do a fast minutes to seconds conversion, you're welcome to use this online calculator which was designed for all kinds of users, from advanced to the beginners. The calculator works in the following way: enter the value in minutes to the box on the left, and press the 'Convert' button. You'll get the equivalent value in seconds. Note that you can also use our minutes to seconds conversion table located below on the webpage.


Minute is a unit of time measurement that is equal to 1/60 of an hour or 60 seconds. This measurement unit is considered to be relatively new (especially comparing to the ones of hour or second), and it starts its history only in the Middle Ages, when the first water powered more precise time keeping devices were invented instead of common solar or sand clocks. Minute is also a unit used in geometry for measuring angle, as well as for defining latitude and longitude of a point on the surface of earth.


Second is a standard time measurement unit recognized and used by the International System of Units. Second is equal to 1/60th of a minute or 1/3,600 of an hour. This is one of the oldest time measurement units used by early Egyptian, Persian, Hellenistic, and other civilizations. The name is derived from Latin expression meaning 'the second division of hours'. Second is also a basic reference unit for some really precise time measurement units like millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, etc.

How to Calculate Minutes to Seconds

1 minute = 6 × 101 seconds
1 second = 1 × 100 seconds

1 minute = (6 / 1) × 101 × 10-0 seconds
1 minute = (6) × 101-0 seconds
1 minute = (6) × 101 seconds
1 minute = 6 × 10 seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds

How Many Seconds in a Minute?

There are 60 seconds in a minute.

One minute is equal to 6 × 101 to unit of time second.
Therefore 1 minute = 60 seconds.

One second is equal to 1 × 100 to unit of time second.

1 minute = (60 seconds / 1 seconds) seconds.
60 seconds makes a minute.

Minutes to Seconds Conversion Table

1 Minutes60 Seconds
2 Minutes120 Seconds
3 Minutes180 Seconds
4 Minutes240 Seconds
5 Minutes300 Seconds
6 Minutes360 Seconds
7 Minutes420 Seconds
8 Minutes480 Seconds
9 Minutes540 Seconds
10 Minutes600 Seconds
11 Minutes660 Seconds
12 Minutes720 Seconds
13 Minutes780 Seconds
14 Minutes840 Seconds
15 Minutes900 Seconds
16 Minutes960 Seconds
17 Minutes1020 Seconds
18 Minutes1080 Seconds
19 Minutes1140 Seconds
20 Minutes1200 Seconds
21 Minutes1260 Seconds
22 Minutes1320 Seconds
23 Minutes1380 Seconds
24 Minutes1440 Seconds
25 Minutes1500 Seconds
26 Minutes1560 Seconds
27 Minutes1620 Seconds
28 Minutes1680 Seconds
29 Minutes1740 Seconds
30 Minutes1800 Seconds
31 Minutes1860 Seconds
32 Minutes1920 Seconds
33 Minutes1980 Seconds
34 Minutes2040 Seconds
35 Minutes2100 Seconds
36 Minutes2160 Seconds
37 Minutes2220 Seconds
38 Minutes2280 Seconds
39 Minutes2340 Seconds
40 Minutes2400 Seconds
41 Minutes2460 Seconds
42 Minutes2520 Seconds
43 Minutes2580 Seconds
44 Minutes2640 Seconds
45 Minutes2700 Seconds
46 Minutes2760 Seconds
47 Minutes2820 Seconds
48 Minutes2880 Seconds
49 Minutes2940 Seconds
50 Minutes3000 Seconds
51 Minutes3060 Seconds
52 Minutes3120 Seconds
53 Minutes3180 Seconds
54 Minutes3240 Seconds
55 Minutes3300 Seconds
56 Minutes3360 Seconds
57 Minutes3420 Seconds
58 Minutes3480 Seconds
59 Minutes3540 Seconds
60 Minutes3600 Seconds
61 Minutes3660 Seconds
62 Minutes3720 Seconds
63 Minutes3780 Seconds
64 Minutes3840 Seconds
65 Minutes3900 Seconds
66 Minutes3960 Seconds
67 Minutes4020 Seconds
68 Minutes4080 Seconds
69 Minutes4140 Seconds
70 Minutes4200 Seconds
71 Minutes4260 Seconds
72 Minutes4320 Seconds
73 Minutes4380 Seconds
74 Minutes4440 Seconds
75 Minutes4500 Seconds
76 Minutes4560 Seconds
77 Minutes4620 Seconds
78 Minutes4680 Seconds
79 Minutes4740 Seconds
80 Minutes4800 Seconds
81 Minutes4860 Seconds
82 Minutes4920 Seconds
83 Minutes4980 Seconds
84 Minutes5040 Seconds
85 Minutes5100 Seconds
86 Minutes5160 Seconds
87 Minutes5220 Seconds
88 Minutes5280 Seconds
89 Minutes5340 Seconds
90 Minutes5400 Seconds

Minutes conversions:

Recent Comments
Aahana 2021-09-30 14:26:02

Thanks really helped in my maths

blll 2021-06-15 11:00:01

5 min is 300 secs

Hunter 2021-03-01 08:05:40

Thx im at school and this helps

Hannah 2020-12-09 14:47:53

Very Very Helpful. Thanks Alot!! :)

fulffy 2020-12-08 21:19:48

lovely veryyyyy thanks for the app it really helped me on the mins and secs

Gagidoo 2020-08-27 15:14:47

Hey mr. smith, you are the embodiment of the stereotype given to teachers, also ok boomer

Sofy 2020-06-11 10:14:15

Very helpful.

Hilda 2020-03-21 06:57:59

Please help me calculate 2.35 minutes to seconds

Mr.Smith 2020-03-09 12:17:32

This is not helpful to kids. This conversion calculator is depriving kids of the knowledge to learn math the right way. Please take this site down this would make people learn by doing the simple math that takes no time at all,

Daisy K. 2020-02-10 13:31:07

Nice. Pretty easy just times the number by 60.

Dishanth 2020-01-28 11:07:54

Can you do fractions in to minutes or seconds

Jaci 2018-12-10 12:30:54

I have one quick question for you guys, what is 6 in a half minutes. It is only showing full minutes, and not half. I would like you guys to get back to me as soon as possible... Thank You.

Sumita 2018-03-11 03:06:55


Blahdeda 2018-03-06 16:31:35

It wasn't very helpful because I need to know 6 sec (.1 min) increments with something that is billed by 30 cents per min.

Christy 2018-03-04 11:23:01

Great thanks

Reginald 2018-02-24 13:02:38

How many Hours, Minutes & Seconds

2/24/18 to 4/21/18

Khothi 2018-02-15 10:26:34

Helpful ...thank u

dfdsxz 2018-01-31 16:04:19


Maniya&malik show 2018-01-26 11:46:19

Love it and sub to my Chanel

Zack Lawrence 2018-01-16 17:04:10

How many seconds are in 2 1/2 minutes

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