Milliseconds to Date Converter

Please enter the milliseconds number value to convert to date since timestamp or unix epoch.

Date from milliseconds (ms) since timestamp or unix epoch.

About Milliseconds to Date Converter

Milliseconds to date converter helps you to find the date and time from a given total number of milliseconds. This total number of milliseconds is the elapsed milliseconds since timestamp or unix epoch counting from 1 January 1970.

Just enter the milliseconds value and press the Convert to Date button to find the date. You can also set the milliseconds value from Now button to the current timestamp milliseconds.

For example 1471300214792 milliseconds is converted to date as 16 August 2016 01:30:14.

Milliseconds Converters

Recent Comments
Timu 2024-11-06 08:03:00

Very useful and easy to use!

yasha 2024-11-03 19:23:03

what a simple tool. ty.

zizou 2020-12-18 04:25:23

good work, useful

Rick 2020-09-03 04:21:24

Helped me understand javascript dates.

Omar 2020-06-27 06:16:25

It’s good

Kaliey 2020-04-29 08:48:50

Great Resource! Makes it easier to calculate time.

King 2019-06-02 03:02:11

Previously it was giving half n hour diff when I do Calender.gettimeinmillis(), now it is giving exact time. Have you doing fconversion from UTC to local india standard 5:30 timezone? And when did you change this? 1 or 2 months?

Venom 2019-05-14 23:17:24

Thanks a ton. Helps me to work with quartz scheduler which always works with milliseconds.

Amarnath Arumugam 2019-03-26 04:56:31

It is the amazing time conversion tool. I'm really love this online tool. I'm studying in KCE and this tool is played important in my project.

Aadiv Aucker 2019-03-25 01:22:38

Nice to work with this site. It is very useful for developers. I was promoted this site for many colleagues.

Alamin Hossain Miraje 2019-03-14 04:45:27

Great for developers ;)

Lakshya 2019-02-06 03:12:24

It is very useful and accurate.

Chao 2018-12-17 23:24:41

Great. Really helpful for my development. Thanks.

Mr Cool 2018-11-05 12:45:24

This site is epic and easy to use.

Great job!

Falke 2018-10-20 03:00:37

I love this site, it is so helpful for a programmer who has to work with milliseconds!

Mudit Jain 2018-09-14 04:11:11

Love it ! simple app to get the basic job done.. helps a-lot in my programming job.

Mickey 2018-05-16 18:17:49

This is a very useful tool. But, I agree with Christo. Believe it should show UTC time because you have no way of knowing from which timezone the calculator starts converting the milliseconds into days and times.

Prabha 2018-03-12 23:50:30

good work, useful

Rob 2018-01-12 06:37:49

Anyone who is concerned about the millis at the end of the conversion, it's the last three numbers pre-conversion.
Using the given example, 1471300214792 milliseconds is converted to date as 16 August 2016 01:30:14:792.

Narendra Maru 2017-12-16 06:35:31

Nice Tool who works on MongoDB

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