Military Time Conversion

Please enter the time value to convert to military time.

Army clock format HHMM

About Military Time (Army Clock) Converter

We all may not be soldiers but it's admittedly cool to hear a soldier talk in military time. So it's not 4 o'clock in the afternoon anymore. Use this military time converter and invite your friends over at 1600 hours! For more information about military time (army clock) and military time conversions, check out our Military Time Chart below.

Military time format uses 24 hour time format instead of 12h am, pm time format.

Military Time Conversion Chart

TimeMilitary Time
12.00 AM0000
01.00 AM0100
02.00 AM0200
03.00 AM0300
04.00 AM0400
05.00 AM0500
06.00 AM0600
07.00 AM0700
08.00 AM0800
09.00 AM0900
10.00 AM1000
11.00 AM1100
12.00 PM1200
01.00 PM1300
02.00 PM1400
03.00 PM1500
04.00 PM1600
05.00 PM1700
06.00 PM1800
07.00 PM1900
08.00 PM2000
09.00 PM2100
10.00 PM2200
11.00 PM2300

Military time examples:

  • 12.34 AM = 0034
  • 01.47 AM = 0147
  • 02.10 AM = 0210
  • 03.29 AM = 0329
  • 04.17 AM = 0417
  • 05.12 AM = 0512
  • 06.05 AM = 0605
  • 07.05 AM = 0705
  • 08.53 AM = 0853
  • 09.44 AM = 0944
  • 10.27 AM = 1027
  • 11.50 AM = 1150
  • 12.21 PM = 1221
  • 01.25 PM = 1325
  • 02.29 PM = 1429
  • 03.15 PM = 1515
  • 04.10 PM = 1610
  • 05.29 PM = 1729
  • 06.10 PM = 1810
  • 07.18 PM = 1918
  • 08.53 PM = 2053
  • 09.58 PM = 2158
  • 10.00 PM = 2200
  • 11.42 PM = 2342
Recent Comments 2024-12-23 09:57:25

Hi Sandra: This is format of Hour / Minutes / Second, so SS is second.

Sandra 2024-12-11 20:52:24

Phone wants me to list time as follows: HHMMSS I get the first 4 what is the SS

george 2024-06-08 10:38:41

and the increments between the whole hours: sixteen thirty, zero eight thirty (0830) also, no colon between numbers, just straight number.

George 2024-06-08 10:37:00

1300 would be thirteen hundred; thirteen hundred hours if you want to get super geeky. Just remember it's a 24 hour clock. Twelve Hundred, sixteen hundred, twenty one hundred, and so on. Law enforcement also uses this..
For people wanting a military calculator, it's not hard.

Another Jeff 2022-10-26 19:17:13

So if my schedule is 10:00 to 20:00 then that's a 10 hour shift, 10:00 until 8:00?

Frank 2022-02-19 22:51:34

Teach us how to say (orally) military time. For example, how do we say 16:30, 16:05, and 16:45?
Sixteen thirty hundred hours? Sixteen zero five hundred hours? Sixteen forty-five hundred hours? or
Sixteen hundred hours thirty? Sixteen hundred hours zero five? Sixteen hundred hours forty-five? or
Sixteen hundred thirty hours? Sixteen hundred five hours? Sixteen hundred forty-five hours?

Leo 2022-02-03 04:53:41

Does military time have time zones too?

Null 2022-01-25 00:44:18

Hello! I am so happy you made this! its very helpful!

babyn 2021-03-28 08:12:41

I think it is very helpful and i dont think we need a calculator because it is very simple but for some people you should add one

Emily 2021-03-18 16:17:41

I agree it is good, but i also agree...add military cauculator.

hi 2021-02-22 12:55:36

it is very helpful i see no need to add a calculater sence you are just exchanging numbers and it was super easy. thanks

Michael 2021-01-08 14:44:44

Fast working, adds were not a problem.

Jaenelle 2020-12-09 02:10:43

This was really helpful i really liked the calculator that helped me a lot also they made it seem really simple which was nice

Jeff 2020-10-28 14:00:28

So educational and helpful information about this kind of stuff

Vanessa 2020-04-30 09:33:33

Please put a calculator on here. It would be very good use to other parents, much less me. Please update this website to that. Thank you so much!

(prefer not to answer) 2018-03-08 08:16:32

please ad a military calculator

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