Hours to Minutes Conversion (h to min)

Please enter the hours number.

Swap time units » Convert Minutes to Hours
1 h = 60 min
h: hour, min: minute

About Hours to Minutes Converter

We're very often in need of knowing how many minutes a certain amount of time in hours will take. This webpage offers an effective online hours to minutes calculator which can be used at any time for making this kind of time measurement unit conversions. For your convenience, there is also some useful information related to this kind of conversions. Also, you can use the hours to minutes conversion chart on the bottom of the page.


Hour is a common time measurement unit equal to 60 minutes, 3,600 seconds, or 1/24 of solar day. The unit is used and recognized by SI and has the symbol of h. Though the history of using an hour as a part of solar day is believed to be starting from the epochs of Ancient Egypt, the concept of an hour as we know it now emerged in the early 13th century, when scientists in Ancient Greece came up with the idea of dividing a solar day exactly into 24 equal parts. Hour as a time measurement unit is extensively used in science and is applied for defining various related measurement units like kilometers per hour, ampere-hour, kilowatt-hour, etc.


Minute is a unit of time measurement that is equal to 1/60 of an hour or 60 seconds. This measurement unit is considered to be relatively new (especially comparing to the ones of hour or second), and it starts its history only in the Middle Ages, when the first water powered more precise time keeping devices were invented instead of common solar or sand clocks. Minute is also a unit used in geometry for measuring angle, as well as for defining latitude and longitude of a point on the surface of earth.

How to Calculate Hours to Minutes

1 hour = 3.6 × 103 seconds
1 minute = 6 × 101 seconds

1 hour = (3.6 / 6) × 103 × 10-1 minutes
1 hour = (0.6) × 103-1 minutes
1 hour = (0.6) × 102 minutes
1 hour = 0.6 × 100 minutes
1 hour = 60 minutes

How Many Minutes in a Hour?

There are 60 minutes in a hour.

One hour is equal to 3.6 × 103 to unit of time second.
Therefore 1 hour = 3600 seconds.

One minute is equal to 6 × 101 to unit of time second.
Therefore 1 minute = 60 seconds.

1 hour = (3600 seconds / 60 seconds) minutes.
60 minutes makes a hour.

Hours to Minutes Conversion Table

1 Hour60 Minutes
2 Hours120 Minutes
3 Hours180 Minutes
4 Hours240 Minutes
5 Hours300 Minutes
6 Hours360 Minutes
7 Hours420 Minutes
8 Hours480 Minutes
9 Hours540 Minutes
10 Hours600 Minutes
11 Hours660 Minutes
12 Hours720 Minutes
13 Hours780 Minutes
14 Hours840 Minutes
15 Hours900 Minutes
16 Hours960 Minutes
17 Hours1020 Minutes
18 Hours1080 Minutes
19 Hours1140 Minutes
20 Hours1200 Minutes
21 Hours1260 Minutes
22 Hours1320 Minutes
23 Hours1380 Minutes
24 Hours1440 Minutes
25 Hours1500 Minutes
26 Hours1560 Minutes
27 Hours1620 Minutes
28 Hours1680 Minutes
29 Hours1740 Minutes
30 Hours1800 Minutes
31 Hours1860 Minutes
32 Hours1920 Minutes
33 Hours1980 Minutes
34 Hours2040 Minutes
35 Hours2100 Minutes
36 Hours2160 Minutes
37 Hours2220 Minutes
38 Hours2280 Minutes
39 Hours2340 Minutes
40 Hours2400 Minutes
41 Hours2460 Minutes
42 Hours2520 Minutes
43 Hours2580 Minutes
44 Hours2640 Minutes
45 Hours2700 Minutes
46 Hours2760 Minutes
47 Hours2820 Minutes
48 Hours2880 Minutes
49 Hours2940 Minutes
50 Hours3000 Minutes
51 Hours3060 Minutes
52 Hours3120 Minutes
53 Hours3180 Minutes
54 Hours3240 Minutes
55 Hours3300 Minutes
56 Hours3360 Minutes
57 Hours3420 Minutes
58 Hours3480 Minutes
59 Hours3540 Minutes
60 Hours3600 Minutes
61 Hours3660 Minutes
62 Hours3720 Minutes
63 Hours3780 Minutes
64 Hours3840 Minutes
65 Hours3900 Minutes
66 Hours3960 Minutes
67 Hours4020 Minutes
68 Hours4080 Minutes
69 Hours4140 Minutes
70 Hours4200 Minutes
71 Hours4260 Minutes
72 Hours4320 Minutes

Hours conversions:

Recent Comments
Woodrow H 2024-12-07 17:11:25

Thanks this helps with my time management.

naruto 2022-11-05 01:46:45

thanks this helped me alot but i dont understand hours to day bc some of them had so many decimals

germanshephard.www 2021-10-21 08:22:28

helpful,but can you please make a whole number and fraction calculator to minutes???
-example like, 1 1/2 =...minutes can you make that pls thanks.

sleepyhead 2021-07-12 21:25:18

hi! this help a lot thanks! i’ll definitely be coming back to use this!

hi 2021-05-07 07:53:51

this helped me how much hours i will be awake

T h a n k s 2021-03-01 09:37:49

Thanks, helped me, I wrote it down so I won't forget, thanks again!

nicole 2020-09-01 21:51:37

Yeah, how do you convert a decimal say 6.2 to hours and mins?
It would be 6 hour but how many minutes?

Crazylion 2019-10-26 08:05:58

i don't really care about the math stuff i just want the conversions, THANKS

Hello Everyone 2019-07-25 10:34:18

This website helped to a certain extent.

Josie brown 2019-07-02 12:56:40

I love min and hours

Rainbow pup 2019-05-05 23:17:19

Helpful but can you do the whole number and a fraction in minutes

Durosinmi Etti Matilda 2019-01-23 09:44:51

very very good and essential for me to learn and it guide me when am doing my assignment

Nasimane 2018-09-24 10:21:11

Can you please add the formulas too,would truly appreciate that. I'm kinda finding it hard working out the answers on my own.

.......... 2018-06-27 05:51:51

A lot of broken English in the comment section

Ruby 2018-05-29 04:28:53

This really helped me with my homework assingment!

Farishta 2018-05-04 01:09:31

Thanks a lot!!! I have Maths Exam tomorrow and you saved my life!!

A 2018-03-19 14:16:44

helpful for homeworks

Ru 2018-03-17 01:24:33

Thank you.

jeloo 2018-03-12 10:06:39

very good helper

sree 2018-03-09 08:08:08

Its too good

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