12 Hour AM/PM to 24 Hour Clock Time Conversion
Please enter the 12 hour AM/PM time value to convert to 24 hour time.
24 hour time format HH:MM
About 12h to 24h Time Converter
None of us is living in the 90s era of digital wristwatches anymore. So whenever you need to convert between 12 hour format and 24 hour format, use this 12-hour to 24-hour converter. Simply enter the 12-hour time value into the box on the left and select between ante meridiem (am) or post meridiem (pm) options. Hit the 'Convert' button.
To convert 12 hour time to 24 hour time format we follow the steps below:
- If the time is between 12:00 AM and 12:59 AM, we subtract 12 hours.
- If the time is between 1:00 AM and 12:59 PM, 24 hour time is same as 12 hour time.
- If the time is between 1:00 PM and 11:59 PM, we add 12 hours to input time.
12 Hour Time to 24 Hour Time Conversion Table
12 Hour Time | 24 Hour Time |
12.00 AM | 00:00 |
01.00 AM | 01:00 |
02.00 AM | 02:00 |
03.00 AM | 03:00 |
04.00 AM | 04:00 |
05.00 AM | 05:00 |
06.00 AM | 06:00 |
07.00 AM | 07:00 |
08.00 AM | 08:00 |
09.00 AM | 09:00 |
10.00 AM | 10:00 |
11.00 AM | 11:00 |
12.00 PM | 12:00 |
01.00 PM | 13:00 |
02.00 PM | 14:00 |
03.00 PM | 15:00 |
04.00 PM | 16:00 |
05.00 PM | 17:00 |
06.00 PM | 18:00 |
07.00 PM | 19:00 |
08.00 PM | 20:00 |
09.00 PM | 21:00 |
10.00 PM | 22:00 |
11.00 PM | 23:00 |
12h/24h time examples:
- 12.57 AM = 00:57
- 01.25 AM = 01:25
- 02.15 AM = 02:15
- 03.52 AM = 03:52
- 04.03 AM = 04:03
- 05.47 AM = 05:47
- 06.33 AM = 06:33
- 07.17 AM = 07:17
- 08.52 AM = 08:52
- 09.36 AM = 09:36
- 10.30 AM = 10:30
- 11.58 AM = 11:58
- 12.12 PM = 12:12
- 01.54 PM = 13:54
- 02.28 PM = 14:28
- 03.28 PM = 15:28
- 04.19 PM = 16:19
- 05.44 PM = 17:44
- 06.23 PM = 18:23
- 07.27 PM = 19:27
- 08.59 PM = 20:59
- 09.56 PM = 21:56
- 10.28 PM = 22:28
- 11.45 PM = 23:45
Recent Comments
To avoid confusion, I always use
12:00 Midnight (Early morning)
12:00 NN (Noontime)
I am not sure why i have never thought about this, but 12:01 AM as 00:01 make sense, since there is no 0 number on the watch.
It also make sense ,to say 1 past 12.
It should be 12am to 12pm which is 00:00-12:00
12:00 AM and in fact it is 00:00, that is crazy!
please add a 12 hour time calculator
12.30 am in 24 hour format: 00:30
Great job whoever made this! :D
Its very helpful to our study
OMG i really thank you for this, saved my life as i have a test about clocks today!
This is great, now I can answer my work fast
wow , this website helped me to lean how to convert 12 hours to 24 hours
Omg knew that there was no 12 pm
There should be a 12 PM as 12:00 and just 0 AM as 00:00. The 12 PM in the morning as 00:00 is confusing. The word is advanced and civilized enough to get rid of the old fashion AM/PM 12 hour system in favor of a neat, clear and no mistakes making of the 24 hr one.
Its good and easy
Theres no such thing as 12 pm!
it should be 12 am.
11 am then should be 12 am (Not PM), then 0:30 pm, 1 pm . -- English Professors Treat your logic , stop this Idiotizm.
Thanks for helping me in homework
These are the correct information as per my best of knowledge
Really great website hope Google can have more websites like this one
really helpful